Program 1: PharmaNL Infrastructure

Program 1: Focuses on strengthening the earning capacity and competitiveness of the Dutch pharmaceutical value chain for new medicines, and on sustainably ensuring the development, market introduction, and availability of essential generic medicines.

This is achieved by coordinated strengthening and expanding the available shared R&D&I infrastructure in pharmaceutical hubs such as Leiden, Groningen, Delft, Geleen, Utrecht, and Oss with state-of-the-art and, where applicable, with state-of-the-future equipment and apparatus.

This approach leads to:

  • Efficient and effective development of new medicines and production technologies;
  • Shorter lead times from lab to life;
  • Lower R&D&I costs for research groups and (starting) companies, enabling them to reach private financeability more quickly.

Subsidy Program “Shared Development Infrastructure”

In the context of operationalizing this program line, PharmaNL, in collaboration with ZonMw, has developed the “Shared Development Infrastructure” subsidy program at the beginning of 2023.

The “Shared Development Infrastructure” is a subsidy program to support specific investments in the Dutch shared pharmaceutical R&D&I infrastructure.

Through requests for proposals (“calls for proposals”) in 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026, pharmaceutical hubs, knowledge institutions, and enterprises can obtain a maximum of 50% subsidy for investments in shared development infrastructure. This is on the condition that the respective facilities are made available for at least 50% as open shared development infrastructure. The total available subsidy for projects in the program amounts to 57 million euros.

More information about the program and the current subsidy rounds can be found on the ZonMw website.